MorHuiz New

Luxuriant Satin Eye Shade

Pricing Details

Production Time: 10 Working Days
100 $2.85 each
250 $2.65 each
500 $2.45 each
1000 $2.25 each
$80.00 each
Experience the ultimate in relaxation and beauty sleep with our Luxuriant Satin Eye Shade. Designed to block out light and create a serene environment, this eye shade is a perfect companion for napping, travel, or restful nighttime sleep. Extra soft, silky satin eye shade with generous size head band that provides a comfortable fit.

Available Colors: Black, Navy Blue, and Silver
Decoration: W 5" x H 1-1/2"

Normal Production Time
10 Working Days

Product Size
W 8" x H 3-3/4"

300 units = 10 lbs.

Additional Information
Colors: Black, Navy Blue, Silver
Decoration: W 5" x H 1-1/2"
Shipping Weight: 500 units = 12 lbs.
Heidi L Kolk
Mor-Huiz Promotions
P O Box 187
Fulton, IL 61252-0187
(815) 589-3160