MorHuiz New

6" Israeli Style Emergency Bandage Compression Trauma Wound Dressing Combat Tactical First Aid Kit

Pricing Details

Production Time: 20 Working Days
500 $15.00 each
1000 $13.34 each
2000 $11.67 each
3000 $10.00 each
5000 $5.00 each
The trauma bandage is made of stretchy fabric. This medical supply is widely added in car first aid kit, IFAK trauma kit, tactical pouch, survival bug out bag......

Normal Production Time
20 Working Days

Product Size
9 IN Long X 5 IN Wide X 3.5 IN Tall

Additional Information
Price Includes Color: 1 color

Price Includes Side: 1 side

Price Includes Location: 1 location

Location1: Front

Decoration Method: Screen printed

Packaging: Individual Poly Bag
Heidi L Kolk
Mor-Huiz Promotions
P O Box 187
Fulton, IL 61252-0187
(815) 589-3160