MorHuiz New

Assorted Flexible Family Variety Pack Small Comfortable Fabric Adhesive Fingertip Bandage

Pricing Details

Production Time: 20 Working Days
5000 $1.50 each
10000 $1.33 each
20000 $1.17 each
30000 $1.00 each
100000 $0.20 each
The finger bandages are made of quality woven fabrics, reliable and safe, elastic and bendable. When using bandages, you can nicely protect the wound from dust or dirt, you can use them with confidence.

Normal Production Time
20 Working Days

Product Size
1.5 IN Long X 0.8 IN Wide

Additional Information
Price Includes Color: 1 color

Price Includes Side: 1 side

Price Includes Location: 1 location

Location1: Front

Decoration Method: Screen printed

Packaging: Individual Poly Bag
Heidi L Kolk
Mor-Huiz Promotions
P O Box 187
Fulton, IL 61252-0187
(815) 589-3160